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 Lucy Kate Barnes

CEO and Co-Founder of Lawyers Who Care CICFuture Pupil Barrister, Public SpeakerTEDx Speaker & Care Experienced Advocate

Launch of Lawyers Who Care CIC: 


#100faces campaign

I was recently selected to be one of the #100faces for the UniversitiesUK's latest campaign, celebrating the voices of 100 university graduates who were the first in their family to go to university. 

22nd May 2024:


Speaking in the House of Commons to the Education Select Committee on Lawyers Who Care and what we can go on to achieve as care-experienced people.

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Ronny Tucker 2023 Aspire Boxing Conference

"I have had lots of positive feedback from people about your presentation. Personally I found you to be such an inspirational speaker. Your story whilst sad, showed how young people can turn adversity into a positive outcome. You represented yourself and other young people who have been in a similar situation and showed that with support and determination young people can achieve their goals. I would definitely love to have you back in Sheffield as I think lots of people would benefit from listening to you."
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